Example: install the in-development version of ribbity


If you want to try out the latest in-development version of ribbity, and do so from a checked-out git repository, you can do the following:

first, create a conda environment

conda create -n ribbity-dev -y python=3.8

(you can also do this in an existing conda environment).

activate the environment:

conda activate ribbity-dev

and now check out and install ribbity in "developer mode":

git clone [https://github.com/ribbity-org/ribbity/](https://github.com/ribbity-org/ribbity/)
cd ribbity
pip install -e .

Now, when you run the ribbity commands, they will be running the code that is in the ribbity/ git repository.

So, in particular, if you update the code in the repo to the latest main branch with git pull, you will be running the latest unreleased code in ribbity.


This example belongs to the following categories: