Example: install and configure ribbity!


You can install ribbity in a Python environment by running:

pip install ribbity

Ribbity's configuration is specified in a TOML file and can be very short; for example, here is the sourmash-examples configuration file:

# site title
title = "sourmash-examples"

# site name
site_name = "sourmash examples"

# where site will be served from
site_url = "https://sourmash-bio.github.io/sourmash-examples/"

# the github repository from which to pull the issues:
github_repo = "sourmash-bio/sourmash-examples"

# site-specific templates (MORE HERE)
add_pages = [ "index.md", "examples.md", "labels.md" ]

# username on github (if you want to use authentication with the API; leave empty if not)
github_username = 'ctb'

# local output file to which to pull issues.
issues_dump = 'sourmash-examples.dmp'


Next: Example: run ribbity for the first time!


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